
How to Prepare for Board Exams in 2024, 7 Key Tips to Score 95%

Learn about the study tips and strategies to prepare for the board exams. Know study hacks to score 95% in the upcoming board exams.

Imagine a world in which your aspirations become a reality and your academic career leads you to boundless opportunities. That world, though, is within grasp, and it all starts with overcoming the greatest academic challenge: board exams. But here’s the catch: it’s about more than just memorising facts and figures; it’s about realising your actual potential.

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We will take you on a transforming journey in our article, revealing study tips, strategies and mentality required to excel in board exams. So, gear up and get ready to unleash your brilliance and climb to new heights of success!

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How do I start preparing for a Board Exam?

Board exams are no ordinary tests; they are the ultimate opportunity to showcase your knowledge, skills, and potential. To rise above the competition and achieve remarkable success, you need a preparation strategy that goes beyond the ordinary.

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Here are 7 key strategies that will help you score 95% in your board exams:

1- Understand the Syllabus:

The first step towards effective exam preparation is to obtain a copy of the exam syllabus. Familiarise yourself with the topics and concepts that will be covered in each subject. Create a study plan that breaks down the syllabus into smaller, manageable sections. This approach allows you to allocate sufficient time to cover all the necessary topics without feeling overwhelmed.

2- Create a realistic study schedule:

Create a realistic study schedule

Developing a study schedule is essential to ensuring consistent and structured preparation. Set aside specific time slots for each subject, considering your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate more time to challenging subjects while maintaining a balance across all subjects. Be realistic in your planning and ensure you have ample time for revision and practise.

 3- Gather Study Materials:

Gather all the required study materials, including textbooks, reference books, study guides, and notes. Make sure you have access to past exam papers and sample questions to get an idea of the exam format and the types of questions that may be asked. Additional resources, such as online tutorials, educational websites, and video lectures, can also supplement your understanding of difficult concepts.

4- Practise Regularly:

Practise Regularly

Practice is the key to success in any exam. Solve sample questions, work through past exam papers, and attempt mock tests to simulate the exam environment. Regular practice will familiarise you with the question patterns, improve your time management skills, and identify areas where you need to focus more. Analyse your performance in practice tests and learn from your mistakes.

5- Seek Clarification:

Don’t hesitate to seek clarification whenever you have doubts or questions. Reach out to your teachers, classmates, or online forums for assistance. Clarifying your doubts will ensure a stronger understanding of the subject matter and enhance your confidence in tackling exam-related challenges.

6-Break Down and Master Complex Topics:

Complex topics can often appear daunting. Break them down into smaller, more manageable subtopics. Study each subtopic thoroughly, ensuring you grasp the underlying concepts before moving on. This systematic approach will help you understand the subject matter more effectively and build a solid foundation for advanced topics.

7- Take Care of Your Health:

Amidst the pressure of exams, it’s essential to prioritise your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep to rejuvenate.

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Role of TimeTable in Board Exams

One invaluable tool that helps save time in the preparation process is a well-crafted timetable. A timetable is a powerful tool that empowers students to approach board exams with confidence, focus, and efficiency. It provides structure, organisation, and clarity, allowing students to manage their time effectively and cover the syllabus comprehensively.

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“For further in-depth information on effective time management and creating a successful timetable for board exams, I highly recommend checking out the articleTopper’s Study Timetable.” Click here to read the full article and unlock the secrets to achieving your best performance in the upcoming board exams.”

How to score 95% in your Board Exam

Scoring an impressive 95% in board exams is a significant achievement that requires diligent preparation, smart strategies, and a focused mindset. While it may seem challenging, with the right approach and proper planning, you can achieve exceptional results. 

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Here are some important points that you should definitely read and follow to ease your journey to 95%.

  • Set Ambitious Yet Realistic Goals: Start by setting ambitious but achievable goals. Aim for that 95% mark, but ensure your targets are realistic based on your current academic performance and potential. Setting clear goals will give you a sense of direction and motivate you to work towards them.
  • Gamify your learning: Who said studying couldn’t be fun? Transform your preparation into an exhilarating game of knowledge. Create personalised quizzes, design challenges, and embark on interactive quests that turn even the most challenging topics into exciting adventures. By gamifying your learning, you’ll unleash your competitive spirit, boost engagement, and retain information more effectively. 
  • Focus on Understanding, Not Just Memorization: Rather than rote memorization, focus on understanding the concepts. Build a strong foundation by comprehending the underlying principles and theories. This approach will enable you to apply your knowledge to a variety of questions, resulting in better performance.
  • Collaborative Learning: Form study groups or engage in virtual collaborations to learn from and with your peers. Collaborative learning allows you to tap into collective knowledge, gain fresh perspectives, and tackle challenging topics together. Discuss concepts, debate ideas, and exchange study materials to enhance your understanding and broaden your horizons.

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Final Exam Day Tips

  • Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep to help your brain stay sharp, focused, and alert.
  • Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Avoid heavy or greasy meals that may make you feel sluggish during the exam.
  • Double-check that you have all the required materials, such as pens, pencils, calculators, and any permitted reference materials.
  • Once the exam begins, manage your time wisely. Start with the questions you feel most confident about to build momentum. If you encounter challenging questions, don’t panic. Move on, answer what you can, and come back to them later if time permits.
  • When writing your answers, be concise yet thorough. Focus on addressing the key points and providing relevant examples or evidence where necessary.
  • If time allows, allocate a few minutes at the end to review your answers.


Q: How do I focus on my board exams?

Ans: To focus on your board exam, create a conducive study environment, set clear goals, manage time effectively, and minimise distractions.

Q: What are the best study methods?

Ans: The best study methods vary for each individual, but effective approaches often include active learning, practice, organisation, and self-assessment.

Q: How can I study without forgetting?

Ans: To study without forgetting, employ techniques like spaced repetition, active recall, and elaborative encoding. Regular review and practise also help reinforce your learning and retention.

Q: What are the three secret study tips?

Ans: The three secret study tips are effective time management, active engagement with the material, and regular self-assessment for understanding and retention.

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