WBCHSE 2024 Class 12 Syllabus Revised: The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) has released an official notice to all the heads & institutions, teachers & students that the syllabus of class 12 from 2024 has been revised by the authority.
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The notice released by the authority on its official website @wbchse.wb.gov.in stated that the board has made a few changes in the curriculum of class 12 including the introduction of new subjects, changes in subject name, changes in marking scheme, and discontinuation of subjects.
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The authority decided to discontinue French, Punjabi, and Gujarati subjects due to a low count of registered students in those subjects, whereas the subjects named applied artificial intelligence, cyber security, and science of well-being ahs been introduced in the curriculum.
In addition, three new vocational subjects i.e. Banking Financial Services and Insurance, Food Processing, and Telecom will be introduced in the class 12 syllabus from the academic session 2024-25.
West Bengal Class 12 Syllabus Revised
The council has changed the name for home management and family resources (HMFR) to human development and resource management (HDRM), followed by agronomy (AGNM) has been renamed to agriculture (AGRI), and health and physical education (PHED) code is changed to HPED.
The theory component of health and family education has been increased from 40 to 70 whereas, the practical exam will now have 30 percent weightage and for music and visual arts, the theory and practical marks will be 50 marks each.
If you have any queries regarding the West Bengal class 12 syllabus, feel free to ask below in the comment section. We will give you a response as soon as possible.
WBCHSE 2024 Class 12 Syllabus FAQs
Ans. Yes, the board has made a few changes in the curriculum of class 12 including the introduction of new subjects, changes in subject names, changes in the marking scheme, and discontinuation of subjects.
Ans. A total of 3 subjects i.e. French, Gujarati, and Punjabi has been discontinued by the WB board class 12 in 2024.
Ans. Yes, the authority has made changes in the West Bengal board 2024 class 12.
Ans. You can check the official notice regarding the syllabus change of the West Bengal board class 12 session 2024 on its official website @wbchse.wb.gov.in
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